The Difference Between a Facelift and a Mini-Lift

Posted on: February 14, 2020 in

3 Minute Read: 

Thanks to aging and sun damage, fine lines and wrinkles become more visible and the gradual sagging of the skin causes the face features to look less youthful. These developments can often be frustrating, especially when they are not easy to correct on your own. You may have tried a variety of rejuvenating face creams, only to discover the results are nowhere near what you desire. The Difference Between a Facelift and a Mini-Lift

For decades, plastic surgeons have been offering traditional facelift surgery as a way to address the unwanted signs of aging. This procedure is invasive, which could potentially be a deterrent for many potential patients. Now, surgeons have more techniques at their disposal than ever before, allowing them to address aging features with the traditional facelift or with a mini-lift.

These procedures will provide you with the youthful and rejuvenated facial structure you desire. 

What Is the Facelift? 

The traditional facelift is a surgical procedure that eliminates the visible signs of aging in the lower face and neck. The cosmetic procedure trims and tightens excess skin and redistributes or removes fat tissue. 

Typically, the traditional facelift incision starts at the hairline of the temples and continues around the ear and to the lower scalp. 

What Can a Facelift Do?

Anyone bothered with the signs of aging (whether they have deep-set lines or only the beginnings of laxity) may be the right candidate for this cosmetic procedure. 

Due to the comprehensiveness of this process, the facelift will rejuvenate the jowls, sagging under the chin, and deep creases between the mouth and the chin.

A facelift only addresses the lower two-thirds of the face. It is common for people to combine other procedures with a facelift to receive the results they desire. Procedures such as eyelid surgery, cheek lift surgery (mid-facelift), brow lift, or neck contouring are common surgeries combined with a facelift. 

What Is the Mini-Lift?

Not everyone who desires facial tightening requires a full facelift. The Millennial lift, endoscopic mini scar cheek, brow, facelift and/or neck lift, the minimally invasive facelift, and Renuvion™ (radiofrequency skin tightening) may be alternatives for patients with a lesser degree of aging.

A mini-lift is a less invasive procedure that tightens deep facial tissues. A typical mini-lift procedure uses shorter incisions around the temples continuing around the ear. These options often require less downtime, bruising and swelling, and scarring.

Dr. Joshua Halpern has many satisfied mini-lift patients coming into his office seven to 15 years following their procedure that still look rejuvenated.

What Procedures Can I Combine With My Facelift or Mini-Lift?

While both the traditional facelift and the array of mini-lifts tighten skin, none of them address surface irregularities or skin tone concerns. Laser resurfacing treatments can be performed after your facial surgery to restore an even skin tone and texture.

In addition, eyelid surgery of the upper or lower eyelids or an endoscopic/mini scar brow lift can rejuvenate the upper portion of the face. 

Want to Learn More About Facelifts and Mini-Lifts? 

If you are interested in a facelift or mini-lift in Tampa, Florida, call us at (813) 872-2696 or fill out our online contact form


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Dr. Halpern is a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, The Aesthetic Society, and International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery.


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Tampa, FL 33607
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(800) 963-8483


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