On this young lady, what we’re going to be doing is we’re suctioning out her tummy. We’re using what’s called the Vibrasat system, which is an awesome system for liposuction, and then we’re going to be using what’s called J-Plasma by Renuvion to tighten her skin. Now, this is very exciting new technology that basically uses radio frequency to tighten the skin.
As you can see from the canister, we got quite a bit of fat out of the tummy and with this technique, as you notice, there’s basically no blood in there. This is the Renuvion, and it has multiple settings through different areas. This is what Renuvion does, it uses this radio frequency energy to tighten the skin.
Here’s our patient four days out from doing liposuction and J-Plasma of her tummy. Now, even though we didn’t do her waist, you can see that her waist is come in very nicely and she has basically no bruising. She’s swollen. When you try to pinch the skin, it’s nice and tight.